Wolf Lord Berek Thunder Fist
Power Fist
Wolf Tail Talisman
Wolf Toothe Necklace
Belt of Russ
Rune Priest (Unnamed at the moment)
Chooser of the slain
Wolf tooth Necklace
5 Wolf Scouts
Melta Gun
5 Wolf Guard Termies
Cyclone Missile Launcher
2 Power Fists
Chain Fist
Mounted in a Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters
2 Melta Guns
Plasma Pistol
Power Fist
Wolf Standard
Mounted in a Rhino
10 Grey Hunters
2 Melta Guns
Plasma Pistol
Power Fist
Wolf Standard
Mounted in a Rhino
10 Grey Hunters
2 Plasma Guns
Plasma Pistol
Power Fist
Wolf Standard
Mounted in a Rhino
10 Grey Hunters
2 Flamers
Plasma PIstol
Power Sword
Wolf Standard
Mounted in a Rhino
6 Long Fangs
5 Missile launchers
Mounted in a Razor back
The Idea here is rhinos go forward and the long fangs are joined by the wolf guard with a Cyclone and they pound any threats.
Any Ideas?
Not Out of the Woods Yet: Solo Play
Continuing the (mis)adventures of the villainous and egotistical Jorven
Master of Beasts. Jorven continued to make poor rolls and get lost, he
finally ...
1 day ago
I would drop the plasma pistols and upgrade the razorback to take a twin las. plasma pistols on basic marines are a big point sink your paying for another marine effectively and your probably going to shoot it once or twice a game, or you could give all your rhinos extra armour keeping them moving otherwise your army will be walking and you might struggle to get to objetives and flank people. also i woould attatch the cyclone to the wolf scouts as they can still outflank and then on a 3+ you have a cyclone behind your enemies tanks, this is legal rules wise as wolf guard are not IC and do not give or take anything from the unit they join unless they are bloodclaws where they give LD and take away the charging thing. just a few ideas
ReplyDeletethe razorback does have a twin linked las
ReplyDeleteand if i drop the plasma pistols i have 110 points left and i am not sure what to get
couldnt tell as you dont have the points of things listed. you can get alot for 110 points, landspeeder with typhoon is around that cost and wold give you something to harry your oppos tanks side and rear armour and with a multi melta can pop a landraider too and gives you oppo something more threatening than a rhino to shoot so your troops might catch a break and if they dont shoot the speeder then they will lose a tank or 2