framaroot framaroot apk Reverse-engineering of some samples of these malware families shows that they rely on the exploits packaged in Framaroot to try to gain root.
Survive This!! War for the Wasteland
Survive This!! War for the Wasteland by Bloat Games, has just launched on
Kickstarter. I picked up the earlier Ashcan version and have been looking
Wilco Brush Cleaning Pad
This was a recent find from a local charity shop. A Make Up Brush Cleaning
Pad which I thought would make a great drybrush testing pad as well as
Dwarf Spider Droid and Rebel Troopers
Awwww, isn't it cute?
This is my latest purchase for my Separatist army. I thought it would bring
me up for 500 points, but then I remembered that yo...
All the small things
Greetings one and all,
In the last few years I've shifted my focus from "all over the place" to at
least skirmish Projects only and primarily fantasy. Gami...
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
A Reflection on 2023
Welcome back to Chris' Miniature Woes! It's been quite a journey, and I
appreciate your patience as I navigate through the challenges that 2023
brought i...
Hello world!
Welcome to Astra Starter Templates. This is your first post. Edit or delete
it, then start blogging!
The post Hello world! first appeared on
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
33 Ford Coupe
I finished up the video on the 33 Ford Coupe. This is a much cleaner
build than the Mustang I posted last week. I was trying a new paint, Turbo
Dork M...
Review: Mierce Miniatures Mantichora
Back in the summer I was tempted by a pre-order on Mierce Miniatures for
the new Mantichora, from their Darklands range. This huge beast finally
arrived ...
221 - Railway Project - Part 11
Hello and thanks for visiting for Part 11 (!!) of the railway project. Last
time we got some ballast down, now it's time to start building on that
detail. ...
Warhammer 30k - Horus Heresy Era Imperial Army List
Presented here is the first draft of my *Imperial Army * list for Warhammer
30k. This allows players to create armies of human warriors to face off
Revenant Archipelago "Pirate Air Support"
Winter in the Revenant Archipelago had been cold and brutal. Fort
Destitute was well stocked two months ago but now the supplies were
dwindling. Attem...
The Gloomspite Gitz Invasion - Moonclan Grot #3
The next grot has joined the invasion. This little fellow is from the
boxset and was a bit of an experiment in changing up a couple colors from
the other ...
New year - new start -
One year is gone and I have to start new. Time and inspiration to do all
the things, who are going wrong in the past. There are some pictures about
my roo...
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
Gnome Wars - Cold Wars 2019
To All,
Here are a few images from the Gnome Wars game that I ran on Saturday night
at Cold Wars. The Germans were trying to hold the castle from the allie...
How Can EP IX Be Saved?
So I saw Ep VIII. The best thing I can say about it is I liked it more than
VII. I still want Star Wars to be a series we can all be proud of, though.
ASOIAF: 40pt Boltons with Ramsay
*You know it's real when everyone else is in armor and you're naked.*
I've been dying to write this piece. Beknownst to some, while Tywin is my
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
The Grand Hunt at the Warhammer Citadel
The Eidolon of Mathlann
King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
Pah’rah, the Living River, pours across Ghur like a snake, eter...
Going back to Middle Earth
I've dove head long back into Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings and
the Hobbit were a huge piece of my Childhood. My Pop Jim Sr read the books
to u...
Splitting paint schemes
So I like to play a mix of shooty elements with some harder hitting assault
units. 20 strong Chaos Cultists x 2 around a Dark Apostle with the Burning...
Space Hulk 3D Printed Terrain
Like a lot of people, the original Space Hulk was my gateway into the world
of miniature wargaming and Games Workshop and is still one of my all time
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Cheesestealer Cult progress plus Primaris Reivers
I've slowly been working on the first 498pts of my Cheesestealer Cult aka
the "Nezu". One mostly finished guy and a bunch with yellow down (using
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Berks Four Diamonds Winter Blast 2018
*Berks Four Diamonds Winter Blast 2018 *
*Date:* January 20th, 2018
*Location:* Johnny & Hon’s Steak House, Robesonia PA
*Cost*: $30 a player, or $60 a te...
Two more rifle-dreads
I finally managed to take pictures of the other two dreadnoughts. They are
also venerable and armed with twin autocannons. This makes three in total
which... seems we're all doing this...
It speaks *volumes *as to the sheer influence 40k has had over the years
that it seems we have all been compelled to come out of retirement to
comment on...
Manfaat Daun Salam Dan Buahnya Untuk Kesehatan
Daun salam acapkali dipakai selaku bumbu makanan karna ada bebauan yg
eksklusif. daun salam lazim ditemui pada makanan berkuah serupa goreng
alias gulai. m...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
The Black Legion returns for the fall
Hey folks long time between posts.
But I have been busy over the last year with uni and have managed to do
some work on my chaos. Uni is now done with for...
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Hi all, yes, as you might have gathered from the title of the blog post,
this is something of a farewell. Not a complete one, don't worry, I'm just
moving ...
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5! KICKSTARTED!!
Kingdom Death: Monster is a cooperative board game set in a horrific land
where players fight and die together to protect and nurture their fragile
Heldrake Sliviliths
Planet of the Hoojibs runs deep.
One angry avian.
I liked the GW heldrake kit, but I thought the pose was wrong. I flipped
the wings, ...
Space Wolves VS Orks Zone Mortalis Battle Report
*This week's battle report is from Joseph Forgeard. Space Wolves come to
the aid of the Imperial Guard, who have fallen back to a barricade under
the rel...
Quick 'N Dirty Tournament Tray
- one of the booths I stopped at and chatted for a while during
Adepticon was Broken Egg Games. They make various cool items, but a big
focus is their...
The War Machine Project Part 2
Much progress has been made. The model has been built into sub-assemblies,
the lighting has been installed.
More after the jump.
This kit utilizes t...
Change of venue for my posts
Is there anybody out there?
So it's been several years since I blogged but I've recently been tempted
back to the fold by a friend of mine. The hope is we ...
Tau Empire: Crisis Battle suit squad 2
Afternoon guys and girls,
Small update for you today. I've been busy working away on the 2nd Crisis
suit squad for the tau over the course of the past few ...
WIP-REVIEW: More scenery for Robotech!
First update of this year!
I've been building the scenery sets from 4Ground I have so far:
Primera actualización del año!
He estado armando los sets de escen...
Work night!
Just getting some long overdue hobbying done...Counts-as Trojan - wasn't a
big fan of the doofy crane arm so I'm going with a fixed quadpod like the
Cara Creambath Alami di Rumah
Cara Creambath Alami di Rumah
Cara merawat rambut rusak|cream creambath - Jika seseorang ingin rambut
seksi, apakah itu terus menunjukkan bahwa saloon sol...
Blog Update - Late August
Figured since I haven't posted anything recently I would go ahead and let
you, the readers, know whats been going on. Since the list building
article I po...
Execution Force Assassins
I was able to get the assassins from Execution Force from a friend who
didn't need them. They are all pretty cool, and I found them fairly easy
to ass...
Product Review: Advanced Deployment "Flat" Terrain
Well, I missed Tuesday, but it was expected with a Boyscout camping trip
this weekend eating up a lot of my time. I had a blast, even if
the mosquitoes de...
Fun Drop Wolves
So following on from yesterday's post about the beauty of Drop Pods in 7e
40k (or whatever we are in now lol...) I want to talk about Space Wolves -
you ...
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
Laser Cut Zone Mortalis Tile, Part 2
The first coat of primer is down on the Zone Mortalis tile. So far so
good. This time around I used Rust-Oleum "sealing" primer which should go
a long ...
Dumb Name, Great Game
My interest in standard board games is strictly hit-or-miss. And, as a
general rule; movies, games, or books of the classic horror genre which
don't hav...
A new deployment
New Deployment:
By 749.M41 the 291st Death Korps of Krieg had received the bulk of its
draft of replacements from Krieg. The replacements had been integr...
Berks Winter Blast 2015
A little late in the posting, but finally getting around to posting some
photos from the Berks Winter Blast Tournament. Now this is a team
tournament, eac...
Nurgle Helbrute #2 WIP
Hello all! It has been a while since I have posted but I am getting back
into the hobby after a break. My first project is a second Nurgle Helbrute
for my ...
My Current Hero
Infinity can have all sorts of unsung heroes. Since every model has that
small chance to crit, it's not too rare to see a Fusilier take out a TAG
over the ...
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's
hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup!
complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
Auctioning my Space Wolves Army!
My friends, all good things must come to an end, and so I have decided to
part with my dear Space Wolves army with the help of eBay. My army, led by
Moving: Now posting at 4+ Tough
So, this site has been in an inactive mode for a while, mostly because I've
fallen out of love with 40k and into Warmachine, and also because I just
LED Riptide - Part 2
Welcome back. If you haven't already, feel free check out the first half of
this build which detailed the goals, design, and cockpit work. This second
Who won my first 7th ed. game?
Prince did obviously.
Actually, I played a brand new player. And we ignored most of the rules
minutia and just focused on the core mechanics of the game...
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint
I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice
little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together.
My only ...
I wanted to show some of the work I have done for some of my other
Vostroyan Vth vehicles. I really liked what Dave Taylor did when he
redesigned the Imper...
PP Announcement! New Hordes Model!
*"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's
listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth
full ...
Some highlights of todays game at my place , 12000 pts , Iron warriors
teaming up with dark wolves legion , dark eldar teaming up with night lords
Aphid barker - Assembly
Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2
Kickstarter miniatures.
This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...
Painting station moved
So been a couple of weeks since my last post. Was on vacation last week and
flew out to Santa Cruz, CA. Also spent a couple of days in San Francisco
and ...
Back for a quick post
Almost two years since my last post I have played the game of course but I
have had some personal hick-ups along the way so if I update anytime after
this ...
Counts as Typhus model, and 180 painted zombies
Im sorry I don't have a lot of time to talk, but this guy is my Typhus and
below are 180 zombies that I had paint commissioned. If I was anywhere
near ...
Bell of Lost Souls: Tournament Tau
Here's an article on a Tau army that performed well at a 70+ player
tournament in Texas:
Seems I may have underestimated those Missile Broa...
A farewell and new blog.
Hey guys. As you can tell, I've more or less abandoned this blog with a
case of burn out and being super busy. After Adepticon I am diving back
into semi r...
Stormraven is featured in GW's blog today!
I didn't get any notice, and I was glad I checked their blog today, but GW
featured my Stormraven on their Death from the Skies blog post today! So
New Heldrake Base
I decided that i wanted a more interesting base for my heldrake. Something
that could add a little more charater.
Basically 2 tau warriors are running f...
Mechanicon Grand Tournament Aftermath
Mechanicon Grand Tournament Aftermath:
Well, we had to dodge Hurricane Sandy, but we still managed to have a
wonderful time at the Mechanicon and Warsto...
Sedition Wars Kickstarter
This last week the first shipment of the Sedition Wars Kickstarter arrived
at my doorstep. Sadly I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to
Painting a Helldrake x2
Let me start off by saying I know I am not a great painter. There are tons
of great painters out there and I am thankful for the fact that they
produce gr...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Dark Vengence Deathwing Terminators
I painted the five Deathwing battle damaged and worn.
I like the part in Angels of Darkness when they are hot on the trail and do
not remove armor or relax ...
...I'm Back...
I'm back. Let's leave it at that. 6th Edition is now out and a new
starter set has been released. It made me want to get back in the saddle
and try so...
So, I've made the frequent disclaimer I pretty much suck at keeping my blog
updated. But it does happen on occasion and hopefully those of you still
Tale of Only Two Gamers: More Terrain Progress
Slowly, but the terrain project is moving along. I now have all painting
finished on the hills, forests and swamps. I have also poured the Water
Eldar Warlock WiP.
Okay, it’s almost Friday and I’ve found some time to take a picture of
Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something
that’s been...
6th edition Test lists
For the next couple weeks I will be hard at testing and creating all types
of lists. So everyday starting tomorrow I will be posting a new list until
I run...
Stormtalon tainted by Nurgle?
I've been mulling over the Space Marine Stormtalon for a few days looking
at its chunkiness and wondering whether it is a good or bad design. I'm
St. Valentine
"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is
God's finger on man's shoulder."
- Charles Morgan"You don't marry someone you can...
Small Beginnings and Willful Dissent
First, what I've been up to as far as hobbying goes:
Practice mini for my red techniques? Or start of a Chaos Warriors Army?
Both! Still needs lots of w...
Progress! On A Small Scale
Any progress is good progress as far as I’m concerned.
[image: IMG_0096]
I still need to do a lot more with these, but I can say that they’re close
to d...
here is the start of my 15 man blood claw unit... i have 11 almost done
they just need fur and teeth taken care of
the squad will be built as following
Grey Knights WIP
I finally got past my "painter block" and put brush to a few models. I am
trying something different with my GK. I want them to have a dark
deathwatch styl...
The End of the Frugal Year(s)
As you may have noticed I haven't been posting on the blog too much
recently. This is, in part, to it's success; I've been playing too many
games and ge...
!!! I WON !!!
There it is, up there on the top left hand corner, right above last years :)
This one was hard as you can see from my stats. I stalled after about ...
Dreadfleet Skabrus
OK. Here's my second ship for Dreadfleet, only 8 more need to be done
before I can actually play this game. Anyway, I painted this close to the
White Dwa...
Suddenly Broadside
Wow... Its been quite a while since I last posted anything.
I been on a bit of a break and I can't tell you why. It's nothing serious I
just can't workout ...
Back from the Dead! (plus video batrep)
Wow! Has it really been that long since we've updated? Can't believe it...
What have we been up to, you may ask? As you can see from the picture
The Lamentor
Like most of the scions of Sanguinus, the legend of the Sanguinor has
spread through the ranks of Lamenters. However it would not be at their
founding or e...
Going on indefinite hiatus
To whomever it may concern,
I will no longer be actively updating this site with any content for an
indefinite amount of time. Content has been dropping of...
So Ends the Big Box
Six months ago, give or take, I decided that I wasn't going to do commission
work anymore. My work rate was abysmal and I had lost interest in painting
It has been awhile... Sorry I am not dead
Sorry for the update, I have been traveling the last 6 months and
integrating acquisitions for the company. This means I haven’t had a l...
The Future of My 40k Hobby
*opens the door slowly with a creak noise, finding all the lights off*
Hello? Any one home? *flips on the lights to find all his old 40k models
and blog po...
So Im sure you all know about the price increase, and this post is not
about that. Because well, there are thousands of rants all over the
internet about ...
FTW reborn
I'm sure that most of you have already seen that I've put FTW back into
motion. That being said, I am planning on continuing my updates over there.
I appre...
Hey Stranger
Firstly, I have to apologize for being away. My computer had come down with
a super serious virus and I haven't been able to do anything. I thought I'd
AGBBL launches season 11
Well, the AGBBL (Adventurer's Guild Blood Bowl League) in Harrisburg, PA
has launched season 11. They have a HUGE Blood Bowl crowd up there and this
Dark Angles and Orks o My…
I had the opportunity to spend the day with the Lancashire Club this last
Saturday and had a great time.
While there I played two games at 1000 points...
Bang for Your Buck
We're addicts of an expensive hobby. Not only buying every miniature that
our beloved overlords at games workshop concoct, but also every nuanced
piece of...
New Banner! WoopWoop!
Hey Peeps!
We know the site is lacking a little in blog posts/content but we're
working on it, I promise.
Behold! Our new banner. Hopefully in the next w...
Transmission Interrupted
Image stolen from
Hi everyone, this is just a quick post to explain myself. The lack of posts
lately hasn't been intentional, but I've bee...
Update the Last?
So awhile back I updated after a long break and promised to get some more
posts up despite my busy and hectic life. Big surprise, I didn't get any
done. I ...
Miniatures Gallery
Well, I've loaded all of my current miniatures onto Picasa. Here are the
Sons Of Prospero Chapter: SoP Marines
Bases: All those lovely bases
Ebay/Goodbye: Final goodbye and Salamanders are up.
I'm sorry but i forgot to put up that the warriors and silver skulls had
gone up on ebay but here is the link to my green salamanders marines:
Games Day 2010 Pics
Well, I hadn't planned to go to Games Day 2010, but I happened to win a
ticket. Many thanks to Shelexie over at Wanna B Painter. At first I was
going to gi...
Sculpting Spirit Stones
Hey there folks! There's been a few recent inquiries about how to sculpt
Spirit Stones. Thing is, there's no "right" way, only whatever works best
for you ...
Maximizing Deployment
OK, so some of you have seen my previous post on my "Disembarkation
Templates" for my Eldar. This is just a spin off of that idea. I am working
on my Chao...
Tournament results; "I suck!" or "I won stuff?"
Yesterday I had the tournament I've been waiting for months. I met up with
my friends the evening prior and shot the shit and woke up ass early(6:37
was ab...
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